
What’s in The Best of KeithSpeak
The absolute cream of the crop of entries chosen from the first 7 years, or 82 KeithSpeaks. This is the good stuff. Laden with so much humor, insight and absurdity, it’s freakish.
Even though each entry has a date on it, the entries themselves are not dated. Neat trick in a blog.
Self-improvement information and Public Service Announcements destined to make a better you, whether you are looking to be any better or not.
Stupid fun.
Good writing.
The meaning of life (yours).
Thought provoking commentary, vacuous observation, and boldfaced lies, side by side - like they belonged together!
Some very cool ideas you’ve probably never heard of and might not soon forget.
Random exposure to a thousand other incendiary things so sensational (pictures, commentary, critique, movie reviews, etc.), I’m forbidden to say more. Am too.
The Best of Reviews
The Best Early Reviews:
“I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading this. It was fast, deep, stupid and entertaining. A fabulous combination!” MW, Seattle
“I’ve been coming to your site for years and I had no idea you even had this stuff. The very beginning of KeithSpeak was worth the price alone, however I must say that you are a sick man. But in a good way. But still sick.” UH, New York
“I’m just a regular guy who loves sports and dogs. This book has awesome sporting events - omg, that baseball game!, and your very cool dogs keep popping in and out, so this book was a big hit around here. I just wanted to thank you for the fun.” KA, Fairfax
“A triumph! The Best of was bursting with wit and good fun. Good job.” EB, Boston
“Very entertaining! This is what an e-book should be! I printed out a copy and gave it to my mother-in-law who is in a nursing home. She said you kill! Isn’t that funny? Everybody in the place is reading it! The old people love you!” BB, Toronto
We also got some very similar reactions that fall under the heading of Who knew?
Check out the Best Theme Reviews:
“This is the Best bathroom read ever!” MK, St. Louis
“I love the way you can pick it up and put it down or just open it to a random page and it’s always entertaining. It’s perfect for the john!” KG, Atlanta
“Good God, that’s fun! I read the whole thing in one sitting, but I wasn’t in the bathroom.” RH, Montreal
“The Best of KeithSpeak is that rare gem, destined for bathrooms everywhere.” DF, Los Angeles
With but one thumbs down, this would be the Best Negative Review:
“It had its moments, still I didn’t like it, yet I can’t say why, I just didn’t. Maybe it was you. Maybe it was me. I don’t know. Maybe you’d prefer it if I took my meds, became all Suzy Sunshine for you. Hi, it’s me, Miss Happy! Keith, I love you! Puke. Don’t count on that.” TL, Kansas City
In a category all by itself, the Best Silliest Review:
“I read the whole thing and I’m shocked! Why isn’t Julie Andrews in your book? I love Julie Andrews! There is not one mention of her in the entire seven years! Bad you!” NB, San Rafael
And these last few will be the Best Last Reviews:
“It’s entertaining to read, but it has given my wife too many new ideas. Now she wants me to be a better me. So thanks for writing this funny book, you’re ruinin’ my life!” PK, Coral Gables
"I could see what you were doing, getting me to be more responsible and thoughtful - boring! - but you presented it in such an entertaining way, that by the end of the book the information had actually sunk in! I am better for having read this! Good trick! PP, Halifax
"KeithSpeak is the Best blog I've ever read. This is why." VL, Ames
What’s Behind The Best of KeithSpeak
It's quite possible that praise doesn't do it for you and never will, but I wonder, what if you knew the whole story behind the story? Perhaps you'd buy this book if I told you a sad yet hopeful tale of a little Saskatchewan prairie boy who desperately needs our help? I recently received a heartbreaking letter that, well, broke my heart, and is the real motivation behind this entire project. You might want to grab a hankie before you meet Little Billy:
Dear Keith,
My parents were abducted by aliens. I am only three years old. I can’t reach past the bottom shelf in the fridge. Can you, as a man of principle and integrity, help a nobody like me?
Yours truly,
Little Billy
You bet I can, Billy! So I got to work and I wrote The Best of KeithSpeak and in an act beyond selflessness, I am dedicating 110% of the proceeds to Little Billy's ‘Bring Back My Parents You Alien Scum’ fundraising telethon (to be hosted by William Shatner with musical guest Rush), because let’s face it, when you’re talking about aliens and parentless three year old prairie children, you’re talking about us! Ok, so now that you know the full tragic story of Little Billy and how he's hungry and all, surely you want to buy a book, yes?
What’s Left To Say About The Best of KeithSpeak
If nothing has convinced you to buy The Best of KeithSpeak so far, then perhaps this last thing will as it appeals to a pragmatist’s heart, which I'm assuming you are, pragmatic, if Little Billy's emotionally raw story didn't get you right there, you know? Ahem, the price of this book is at its rock bottom, best deal, lowest price ever. You would be buying at the lowest ever price it's ever been offered at ever! That's making a heckuva deal! If you want to feel good about yourself and the choices you make, now is truly the Best time to buy.
How to Buy The Best of KeithSpeak
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From The Mind of One Man, at a fair and reasonable price

The Best of KeithSpeak - Download
The First 7 Years
$9.95 USD
227 pages
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